Using Natural Fibres & Non Toxic Inks We Print Our Exclusive Custom Designed Fabric In The USA

Revolutionising the textile industry through our on-demand digital printing technology and eco-friendly, sustainable and scalable manufacturing processes.
Our printer
- An eco-friendly process
- Sustainable operational practices
- Water-based pigment inks and dyes
- Initiatives that continue to lower waste by products
Lets talk about the problem
The textile industry is riddled with sustainability problems: from the use of toxic inks and wasteful practices for materials and water, to a race to utilise the cheapest materials such as polyester—at a great cost to the planet.
Our print-on-demand process is designed to minimise fabric and ink waste.
LESS CONSUMPTION - Reducing the use of materials and water by choosing a pigment printing process
ZERO WASTE GOALS - Minimising fabric waste by only printing what is needed and using all the off cuts for smaller accessories.
CONSCIOUS SUPPLIERS - Ethically sourcing materials from a small group of trusted vendors
Water Conservation

The pigment printing process consumes very little water to begin with, making it an eco-friendly solution in the textile printing industry. The pigment inks are mixed from 4-8 basic colors as our fabric is printed, so unlike screen printing, there’s no mixing of colors in advance.
Clean Ingredients

To ensure products are safe, we select the best-in-class fabrics, inks and dyes. We avoid fabrics with any flame-retardant applications, and our printed fabrics pass tests ruling out harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde and lead.
Organic and Earth-Friendly Fabrics

We predominantly use natural fibre fabrics (organic when possible) that bio degrade (if they end up) in a landfill. On the rare occasion we use synthetic fabrics we insist that they be recycled or second use.
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Using Natural Fibres & Non Toxic Inks We Print Our Exclusive Custom Designed Fabric In The USA
Revolutionising the textile industry through our on-demand digital printing technology and eco-friendly, sustainable and scalable manufacturing processes.
Our printer
Lets talk about the problem
The textile industry is riddled with sustainability problems: from the use of toxic inks and wasteful practices for materials and water, to a race to utilise the cheapest materials such as polyester—at a great cost to the planet.
Our print-on-demand process is designed to minimise fabric and ink waste.
LESS CONSUMPTION - Reducing the use of materials and water by choosing a pigment printing process
ZERO WASTE GOALS - Minimising fabric waste by only printing what is needed and using all the off cuts for smaller accessories.
CONSCIOUS SUPPLIERS - Ethically sourcing materials from a small group of trusted vendors
Water Conservation
The pigment printing process consumes very little water to begin with, making it an eco-friendly solution in the textile printing industry. The pigment inks are mixed from 4-8 basic colors as our fabric is printed, so unlike screen printing, there’s no mixing of colors in advance.
Clean Ingredients
To ensure products are safe, we select the best-in-class fabrics, inks and dyes. We avoid fabrics with any flame-retardant applications, and our printed fabrics pass tests ruling out harmful chemicals such as formaldehyde and lead.
Organic and Earth-Friendly Fabrics
We predominantly use natural fibre fabrics (organic when possible) that bio degrade (if they end up) in a landfill. On the rare occasion we use synthetic fabrics we insist that they be recycled or second use.
Want to learn more about our Sustainable Practices and Processes?
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